Cape Spear Military History
Cape Spear, Newfoundland, being the eastern-most land mass on Canada's coast, played an important role in country's military history during WW2. During that time, many American soldiers served alongside Canadian forces to help protect the North American land borders. Fort Cape Spear was heavily fortified to guard against enemy warfare. To service the soldiers, barracks & mess hall were erected at Cape Spear. The American presence in Newfoundland created an economic and social boom for the province and, when the war ended and troops retreated in 1945, many Newfoundland women became war brides. The barracks and mess hall were demolished and much of the ammunition was removed. However, two 10 inch M1888 guns remain on location near the coast to serve as grim reminders of the battle of WW2.

Each of the 10 inch M1888 guns was mounted on a hydraulic carriage which allowed the guns to be raised for combat and then concealed in concrete trench when not in use. To distract from the actual location of the battery, landscaping was done further down the coast to make it appear as if a military fortress was at the "dummy battery".

Located in close proximity behind the guns was an underground concrete bunker which contained ammunition for the guns. Each gun had its own bunker with a service corridor which allowed soldiers to move about undetected and to gain quick access to ammunition for the guns.

"Chat rooms," concealed by Cape Spear's rugged landscape, were important communication centres during WW2. These underground bunkers were staffed by radio operators who would monitor naval traffic and relay the information to the gunners defending the coast.

The ammunition storage rooms within the bunkers were constructed of thick concrete which could absorb great impact in case of accidental explosion.

One entrance to each of the bunkers was concealed in the rugged landscape whereas the other entrance was located in close proximity to the disappearing gun that it serviced.

Although the old military props found at Cape Spear are captivating to those of us exploring them from a tourist perspective, we should always remember the sacrifices of our forefathers who fought to maintain our human rights and freedoms.

Please check out my blog as I showcase more amazing tourist attractions in eastern Newfoundland.